Hello everyone, Ender here! You're reading the very first published version of my website- yay! Thanks for checking it out! As you can see, its the CONKsuckiest piece of garbage ever, which is why I'm so excited that I'm finally done!!! This is my very first HTML project- if that wasn't ABUNDANTLY clear already KJSFHGKDJFGHFD. This site will be periodically updated when I have news to put on this specific page, or when I finally get off my ass and start optimizing the shitty, shitty code that's barely holding each site together. I absolutely do not wanna know what this site looks like on mobile. Don't even show me. But it's been a really fun project and I'm really proud of myself! Learning new things is really fun and every new art project fulfills me in a different way- and this was an art project too, I think! I am particularly proud of the Homestuck Projects page. It looks fucking awesome, and now I'm scrolling EBay for secondhand Dreamcasts. dude i want a dreamcast. those things are so cool. Anyways, thank you very much for bearing with me over the past few months of Absolutely Nothing Happening (unless you ordered a bag in which case its been. actually no it was the same thing of Nothing Happening for a while kdfjghfkjd). I like? made one single post about my store being migrated but otherwise ive not been doing much on social media!! but now that this site is done i feel like a weight has been lifted- my carrd can finally be put to rest, i can make new pinned posts, and i can focus up on my ongoing art projects and the webcomics and also just drawin for fun dammit!!! i just thought about my analog horror again. i swear to god i meant for that to be a three parter. im working on it i promise. yeesh. anyways, thank you again for perusing my site- theres a few silly secrets to uncover and also the buttons make fun sounds so like. yeah! explore!! have fun!!!

Hi hi! I've got a few things in the works right now. FIRST UP we have a post-Baking Bonanza pre-Dirk Fishing comic about Dirk that I'm working on. It ended up being quite long but I'd say I'm about 60, 70% done with it? Besides big projects, I do like filling in the gaps with things like this, so here's that one! As far as big projects actually go, I'm currently working on Rose and Kanaya's! Their projects obviously go together but they're told separately and in different formats, and they're quite long! So it's taking a while. Rose is an abstract collage, and Kanaya is a standard comic fic with panels and dialogue. I would say IN TOTAL I'm about 50% done with the whole thing? But it might even be lower. It's gonna be a while longer! As far as the MSPFA itself goes, I also very much need to overhaul the way it looks. I'll keep the image map format cuz I like it, but I got sick of the title screen and I'm also gonna need to decide what to do with that Timeline section, since every character is eventually getting a project and it eventually wont fit any of the in between dialogs or comics! I'll figure that out. Hopefully by the end of the month I can publish the Dirk comic (which is called "Dirk Finds the Epilogues") and if all goes well, the Rosemary arc in March! Hopefully.

Hi hi the 3 fans of SGOOG! I am the biggest slacker on earth. Update this month for sure, though! It will be standard size update for both comics, as usual! A few updates down the line OOG is getting a pretty big brand new flash SO...we are working on that! Hopefully I don't put toooo much energy into it, because otherwise I'll be working on it all year and I simply cannot be doing all that just for Patrol. Sorry Patrol (NOT). We all really wanna lock the fuck in this year, so hopefully we commit to that. At least I got to Patrol, finally! That's something! And SBURB was mentioned in SG! THAT'S SOMETHING! THe thing is going! yaayyyyyyyyyyy :] We also have a Bandcamp page now, and I'm pretty sure it's public even though nothings on it! Most of the tracks you've heard across SGOOG so far have been written FOR it by Windy or Vapor/Carbon, so I preemptively made the Bandcamp for when it's time to upload Volume 1! Whenever that will be. Bookmark it, I guess!

Alrighty, so. I'm kinda hauling ass on the pink and purple captcha bags right now, but i have NOT forgotten about the sweaters! I even took real cute product photos for them....that are now sitting in my computer collecting dust because it's taking a while for me to be able to get to them. Eek! BUT I can promise that a limited quantity of them will be available after every bag from this preorder goes out! I say limited quantity because I need a break from big preorders, so I'm gonna order a few and list them on the store and they'll sit there until they sell out. I'll definitely do a proper run of them at some point, so if you miss one in like, April, or whenever it is I get to do that, I'll have more soon after! I have other apparel ideas too but i neeeeeed to slow the fuck down for a bit so...yeah! Consort and Horrorterror sweater TEST RUN during the spring! :D!

OKAY the big boys. If this is going out in Early Feb, that means I still have the majority of the bags to ship out. I'm committing to my promise to shipping every single one of them out by February 14th! If something happens to prevent that, an update email will go out to everyone who's ordered one so they'll be the first to know. Internationals are last, and they make take a bit longer due to the fact that I have to take to the post office to get checked rather than just prepay and drop them off, but I'll see how quick I can get those done! So far, I am making decent time! There are currently a million big ass boxes in my living room, so the pressure is REALLY on because I can barely get out of the house akljhdfjgfd. As far as the other colors go, I'm not gonna super worry about them until after this whole set is shipped out, and until after I recover some funds by doing a small run of the sweaters. But next up is blue and yellow, and after that will be black and red! or black and something else. but probably black and red. anyways, if you ordered one, thank you for your patience. this is, like, really really hard to do! who woulda thunk it. not me, apparently. another enderslime hope player classic. but im steadily moving through the ocean of boxes, and soon youll have your bag in your hands!! and my living room will be clear. thank god.

What the freak else am I up to right now? Jeez, IDEK. My project list is ever growing. I still need to make a goopy imp puppet for part 2 of my Homestuck analog horror. its a pretty involved puppet so truly i will get to it when i get to it. Oh, Promstuck! That's happening. I'm working really hard on that, too, doing all sorts of logistics and making calls and setting things up to be as perfect as they can be. It's hard work! But we're all super duper committed, and I hope it'll be fun. and im a hope player. which means it will be. oh! happiest day 2 orders are going out as well, along with the bags. arent i so smart for doing these projects at the same time? yay me. jhdfgjkdfghfkjLKJHSDFJKG. after that, we ARE planning on doing a volume 2 of the Jane Crocker baking zine! If you havent noticed, the Twitter got a bit of an overhaul. The contributors and I still need some time before we can start on that, but I'm planning on opening the application form again so this one will be even bigger, hopefully! All the old contributors, along with new ones! I'm excited. It was a really, really fun project! Whether I get to reprint volume 1 remains to be seen. What else....that might be it for right now! Trying to draw for myself as much as I can in between these things, trying not to explode from the State of the World right now, you know how it goes. thanks for reading this months (and THE FIRST) site update! ^u^